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  • Writer's pictureHeidi

But first....

I have been feeling challenged recently around where my faith is at, how I spend my time and really how much of a priority I give to the things of God. While I was at a school of Christian ministry a few years ago, we spent a lot of time in worship, and reading the bible was a daily discipline. Coming out of a Covid lockdown last year for around 4 months, church in bed on a Sunday morning is still very much a thing - even 6 months later, and attending healing rooms is amazing but presently it is feeling a little dry to me. I learnt all about 'presence based ministry' whilst I was overseas and I would still love for it to be my focus, but old habits die hard, and with being busy at work, I am tired by the end of the day and picking up my bible or spending time in prayer and worship is hard to do. I grew up in a semi- Christian home where praying and reading the bible were not on our daily agenda. We never even said grace before meals.

Recently I had a friend ask me to pray for his wrists, as he has Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and he would love to receive healing for the pain and for the instability he is suffering. I would love to see him receive his healing, as my Mum had RA and she suffered with it quite significantly. However, I don't want him to be looking to me for healing but rather to the healer, himself. Everyone Jesus prayed for was healed. I can't heal anyone. Healing ministry is very much a presence based ministry. But we don't need to come to the throne of God begging and pleading - orphans do that! Rather we approach God in a way in which we recognise our sonship; we come boldly before the throne of God, with an experiential knowledge of who He is, with our declarations, requests and petitions.

Hebrews 4:14-16 (TPT)

So then, we must cling in faith to all we know to be true. For we have a magnificent King-Priest, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who rose into the heavenly realm for us, and now sympathises with us in our frailty. He understands humanity, for as a man, our magnificent King-Priest was tempted in every way just as we are, and conquered sin. So now we draw near freely and boldly to where grace is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.

My challenge presently is to come before the throne of God, with my friend in tow, in faith and in search of a miracle that is close to my heart. How do I do that, I hear myself asking? It can't be about my will, because if it is, the whole exercise is about control and manipulation. I need to accept that nothing may change for my friend and I might not see a breakthrough in this instance. But oh, how I would love to! And so I check my heart, and my intentions, and I need to surrender the whole thing time and again. Everyone Jesus prayed for was healed, and I believe mercy's kiss is still available today. Lord Jesus, show me how to pray! A breakthrough anointing.

Isaiah 45: 2- 3, 8. (NIV)

I will go before you

and will level the mountains;

I will break down gates of bronze

and cut through bars of iron.

I will give you hidden treasures,

riches stored in secret places,

so that you may know that I am the Lord,

the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

“You heavens above, raindown my righteousness;

let the clouds shower it down.

Let the earth open wide,

let salvation spring up,

let righteousness flourish with it;

I, the Lord, have created it."

First things, first. How can I seek God, to know his presence, to know his love and to minister from this secret place? No striving or pleading. Just Grace and anointing. Mercy's kiss.

Jacob in the Old Testament was given the name Israel, and his family became the nation of Israel - 12 tribes of God's chosen people. According to Google and Wikipedia, the name Israel, in Hebrew, means 'God contended', 'wrestles with God' or 'Triumphant with God'. I kind of like all 3 of these names! A helpful start. Judah was the firstborn of Jacob/Israel - and the Hebrew meaning of the name, Judah is 'thanksgiving' or 'praise'. Judah was the first tribe to march into battle for the Israelites, and also the first tribe to enter the promised land. Judah (the son of Jacob/Israel) also had a firstborn son, Perez, whose name means 'to breach' or 'to burst forth' (courtesy of Wikipedia/ Google f again - I am not a Hebrew scholar). Essentially this is breakthrough! So it is not too much of a stretch to realise that if we want to contend for anything with God and to see the victory, and as I go into battle (spiritually speaking) with and for my friend, the first thing needs to come first. And that, my friends, is praise and worship. Recognising who God is, giving him thanks, remembering what he has done in the past, seeking his heart, and to see what he wants to do for my friend. Presence based ministry starts here. Worship connects our hearts to the heart of God. It changes our hearts and minds to be in alignment with who God is. As the Israelites camped around the presence of God - the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day, so should we firstly come before our God, to spend time with Him, and recognise His presence.

There is also a principle of first fruits in the bible. It is simply about God's people giving him the first and the best of the harvest - the first and best portion of what he has first given to us. Tithing is part of this principle. Again, this is coming before God and recognising who God is and bringing our lives and intentions in line with heaven. God doesn't need our generosity, but He is ultimately our provider and our King. He wants to be, and deserves to be the first and best in our lives. Our thanks and praise and worship - even in this way, changes our hearts and minds to recognise him and honour him as our creator and provider. The bread of Life. And I am sure he doesn't mind if we test him out in these things. Again, this is a good place to start in approaching the throne of God and seeking out the secret place. I am preaching to myself here, as I like to keep my money and it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that I won't have enough for myself if I give generously 😀. God's ways are not our ways.

Romans 11:33-36

Oh, the depth of the richesof the wisdom and knowledge of God!

How unsearchable his judgments,

and his paths beyond tracing out!

“Who has known the mind of the Lord?

Or who has been his counselor?”

“Who has ever given to God,

that God should repay them?"

For from him and through him and for him are all things.

To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Romans 11: 36 (TPT)

For out of him, the sustainer of everything, came everything, and now everything finds fulfillment in him. May all praise and honor be given to him forever! Amen!

Hebrews 13: 15-16

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

So my intention now is to come before the Lord of Lords, and to encourage my friend with the sore wrists to do the same, before we meet together and pray. To offer a sacrifice of worship and praise on a regular basis, and to be still and know the Great I am. I heard today on a podcast teaching that with the verse in Psalm 46, "Be still and know that I am God", it actually translates in the Hebrew to "Be still and know (experience) the Great "I am". He is our Lord and God. There is no other like Him.

Psalm 46:10. (TPT)

Surrender your anxiety.

Be still and realize that I am God.

I am God above all the nations,

and I am exalted throughout the whole earth.

May He be exalted and known through our journey into worship, meditation and prayer, whether we see a miracle or not. I don't believe we can go on this journey and see nothing change. All thanks and praise be to God (in advance).

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